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You have just found one of twelve
Eggman for Mayor Egghunt Hats
deployed across the city! 

You’re at Clarence Square, the site of so many showdowns between activists, unhoused people and the police last year.

Our friend Jordn was harassed by the police for months, to the point where he could not put his foot outside his tiny shelter without fearing he’d be grabbed on a false warrant. One day he was, and driven to Trenton before the police acknowledged it was false and brought him back to Toronto.

The lengths this city has been willing to go to harass and displace the marginalized, along with the Office of Emergency Management, should shame people forever.

This is not how Indigenous people or unhoused people or anyone on the margins should live. The power is ours to make the change.

Who’s the candidate pushing for this? Meet Gru.
We’re going to be announcing the launch of Gru’s mayoral campaign at 129 Peter St at 3 pm on Tuesday, April 11. We hope you can join us!  Bring some friends who care about real social Justice in this city!


What's Next?

  • Message our communications lead Jen Evans @nejsnave on Twitter or Insta or (416) 346-3262 and let her know you found the egg! 
  • Take a selfie with this egg + hat and post to Twitter, Instagram, Mastadon or TikTok
  • Take a selfie video with this egg + hat and read the above statement from “I’m at Clarence Square to Meet Gru” and post to TikTok 
  • Join us at 2 pm tomorrow at City Hall when we officially register for the race! 
  • Wait for clue #11! Whoever gets the most cowboy hat pix today wins a great reward: you’ll appear in a campaign video with Gru about the social issue of your choice and an ad campaign will run it.

Bookmark this site.
It officially launches in:
