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You have just found one of twelve
Eggman for Mayor Egghunt Hats
deployed across the city! 

You’re at Billy Bishop Airport off Eirann Quay. Do you know the history of this park? 

In 1842 the Irish were suffering an incredible famine and fleeing the country. Toronto had a population of 20,000 people at the time. The boats kept coming and coming, full of sick, hungry people.
We didn’t say no – we can’t handle this!
We didn’t say no – what if we get sick?

The City figured it out. And eventually 40,000 starving or sick Irish landed in Toronto, and we took them in. 

Even with far greater resources and technical capabilities, this would never happen today. Pragmatism would say: sadly, we cannot help these unfortunate people. If we could take on refugees double the size of our own population in 1842, we certainly should be able to handle it today.

Especially when our own homeless in this city total 10,000 people. 

When did we start treating our own neighbours so poorly? It must stop. No government should let its residents suffer if it has the means to address their suffering. 

We have the means, we do not have the will.
That will change.

Who’s the candidate pushing for this? Meet Gru.
We’re going to be announcing the launch of Gru’s mayoral campaign at 129 Peter St at 3 pm on Tuesday, April 11. We hope you can join us!  Bring some friends who care about real social Justice in this city!


What's Next?

  • Message our communications lead Jen Evans @nejsnave on Twitter or Insta or (416) 346-3262 and let her know you found the egg! 
  • Take a selfie with this egg + hat and post to Twitter, Instagram, Mastadon or TikTok
  • Take a selfie video with this egg + hat and read the above statement from “I’m at Trillium Park to Meet Gru” and post to TikTok 
  • Join us at 2 pm tomorrow at City Hall when we officially register for the race! 
  • Wait for clue #6! Whoever gets the most cowboy hat pix today wins a great reward: you’ll appear in a campaign video with Gru about the social issue of your choice and an ad campaign will run it.

Bookmark this site.
It officially launches in:
